Magical Beings.


It’s been days since I last saw you
And I never thought it would end this way.
Just like I never thought it would begin.
Just like I never thought it would be you.
I am up at night thinking of you,
thinking of what I feel when I am with you.
And the feeling couldn’t be more perfect.
We are from different worlds,
like spaghetti and Nitrogen.
For some reason,I can’t decipher,
we connect.
Like a perfect plug to a socket,
we connect.
And like magical beings,
our souls light up when turned on.
Like magical beings,
we light the world up with our presence.
For a second you were all I needed
My magical being
My ecstasy
My therapy
It’s been days since I last saw you
And I never thought it would end this way.
I guess I can officially say, I am officially missing you.
I guess I can say this was as real as the existence of air itself.
It’s amusing how we let our true feelings breathe when we see time reaching for the finish line, like our brain whispers to the heart
“Shit’s about to get real”.
If only the boldness will take possession early.
If only
Then again,
the universe could never handle two
Magical beings wrapped up in one.
We would blow up into infinity, lighting up the sky with a spark.
Maybe…. Just maybe, this world isn’t ours to conquer.

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